Responding to Change is Responding to Jesus

Motivated to say “Yes!” to God’s call on my life to help fulfill the Great Commission, I was packed and ready to move to a new country with a new team to learn a new language and share the love of Jesus with the university students. My response to this call was motivated by my love for Jesus. It felt scary, but it was also very exciting. Two weeks before our departure, I got a call, “Cheryl, you are being sent to a different location—a different country with people from a different culture and language.” My stomach dropped, and my heart raced. Anxiety and panic threatened to take over.

Change is hard. You leave the known and familiar to step out into the unknown, disrupting your normal routines. For some, this can be exciting. For others, it feels threatening. Even if you are among those energized by change, I am certain that your tolerance for it has limits. Change is always harder when others' decisions cause it. Most of us have strong opinions about changes that impact our lives, but that does not mean we always get to give input into those decisions. If we are honest, there are many times when it isn’t practical or possible to influence decisions that lead to change, even if our lives will be greatly affected. 

We have a choice regarding how we respond when change feels imposed on us. I can surrender to the will of God, even when I don’t understand it. On the other hand, I can resist it outwardly by stubbornly rebelling or inwardly hardening my heart and becoming detached, refusing to be aligned or participate because things didn’t happen the way we wanted them to. Sadly, I have been guilty of both of these negative responses. Neither of them pleased the Lord. Those choices eroded trust and discouraged others. Making things right required confession, repentance, and restoration as I eventually realized God’s provision for me was good. His plan is better than the plans I have for myself. 

The way of Jesus is the way of the cross. He calls us to a life of surrender, not understanding or agreeing. God is good. His provision and his gifts are perfect. He is my anchor amid the tossing waves of change that threaten to overwhelm me. 

I am so glad I reaffirmed that “Yes!” to God’s call on my life 30 years ago. The days that followed stretched me more than I could have imagined. As I followed Jesus, he met with me. I experienced a deeper dependence and awareness of his love. I learned more about him, his heart for the world, and my unique role in the mission. My staff life has been characterized by this pattern - unexpected change, an invitation, my response, and God’s blessing and provision. 

In this season, we are all experiencing change. It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. Our circumstances will constantly change. God will not. He is faithful to every promise. And while he doesn’t change, he is always doing something new that leads us to greater fruit and a deeper intimacy with him. 

I encourage you to spend some time with Jesus. 

  • What changes are you experiencing? 

  • How are you responding to this change? 

  • Is your posture one of surrender or rebellion? 

  • Take time to bring your heart to Jesus, surrendering to all he has for you in this new season of life. 


Jesus Meets Us Where We Are


Entering into Complexity with Jesus