Going Online…Together

My friend Mary asked, “How can I order copies of the 4 Spiritual Laws?” I pulled out my phone and showed her GodTools, which makes it available in practically every language on her phone. Then, I sent her the links. She went on to ask me about how to engage the women she leads in a Bible class at church. They attend church but don’t seem to have a desire to grow. “How do I encourage them that life is found in Jesus, not in what the world offers?” We opened the Audience Map and talked about people in the Professing stage. “This is exactly what I need!” she said. 

These kinds of conversations happen all the time around the world. Ministry is no longer face-to-face or digital. It is face-to-face and digital. If we are ready for it, we can engage people where they are in the moment, answering their questions and helping them navigate the complexities of the world around them as we remind them of truth and resource them with verses and tools that will help them grow. 

Of course, screens can be distracting if they get in the way of our conversations and connections with people around us. As with any technology, we must consistently ask ourselves whether the ways we use technology lead to deeper, life-giving connections with others or if it leads us to isolation, even if the people we love are nearby. Are we loving the people we are with and stewarding our time with them to love them well, or are we distracted and using our screens to avoid our insecurities?

In past posts, we have discussed leading in complex environments, the need for agile approaches, and how Jesus meets us where we are. We live in a hybrid world. As we embrace that reality, our heads—bent down, staring at our screens—will be lifted to see what Jesus sees when he looks at the people around us. He is giving us the opportunity to use those screens to meet people where they are and offer them life! 

Take some time to reflect on the time you have spent with people this past week. How often did a screen come out during your time together? How would you describe the role that technology played in your interactions? What are some of the resources and tools that you have ready to share with people at the moment when they need them most?


Agile Mindsets and Spiritual Heart-checks