What does Laundry Have to do with AI?

Every Saturday I set time aside to do my laundry, and I recently stopped to think about the impact of the washing machine. It may feel like a chore to do my laundry, but the reality is that a machine is doing the work. I sort, feed the machine some detergent, move wet clothing from one machine to another (or onto a rack to dry), fold, and put my clean laundry away. While the machine does the hard work, I can take on other tasks. 

Technology makes hard tasks easier. It frees us up to use our time and energy on things that matter most. It is a tool for good… unless it is not. 

Until recently, AI was seen by most people as a futuristic technology that promised more than it could deliver. In the past few months, however, it has evolved beyond making your emails easier to write. Not only is it exceeding our past expectations, it is blowing our minds with results we never imagined would be possible.

If even leading engineers are struggling to keep up with the evolution of the machines they created, how do we make sense of the impact AI can have on the Great Commission? Some are thrilled by the possibilities and are experimenting with new technology as soon as it is available. Others of you are taking a more cautious approach, wanting to understand more about how it works and what the results might be before you dive in. Neither approach is wrong. Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum, let me suggest a few thoughts as you consider how you use AI for ministry. 

First, pray for wisdom. 

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you …” (James 1:5).

God is not nervous about AI. It does not overwhelm or confuse Him. He is eager to give you the wisdom you need to know how and when to use it. You can trust Him to guide you. 

Second, seek understanding. 

“... All these men [from the tribe of Issachar] understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take” (1 Chronicles 12:32).

Like the men of Issachar, pursue understanding. Learn what you can about AI. The wisdom God gives you through His Holy Spirit will help guide you as you learn. This requires a posture of humility and it takes time. 

Last, look at the fruit.

“A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit” (Matthew 7:17-18).

Does your use of AI lead to deeper relationships or isolation? Are you finding yourself relying more on the Lord or are you taking “spiritual shortcuts?” Is AI freeing you up to spend more time on the things you value most, or are you just becoming busier? Or lazier? 

I have a choice in how I use the time saved by washing my clothes with a machine. The machine is not responsible for my choice. It is neither good nor bad. The same is true with AI. It is powerful and impressive. It can give us more and more opportunities to help people know, love and follow Jesus. It can also distract us and cause pain if we use it carelessly. 


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The Joy of Pioneering into Missional Gaps